Expeditionary Live Virtual Constructive Test Command Center (XLCC) Integration

Demonstrate XLCC capability for training use cases using Legacy MILES, IWS detectors, and VTESS

Data collection for Operational and Developmental Testing

Show ADMAS connectivity using T-Mobile 5G commercial network

5G Enabled Video Capture for Training AAR and Weapons Testing

Video from camera that is connected to a 5G network via sim card is delivered to another device connected to either the same network or a different one

M320 Indirect Fire Counter Defilade Fires

Simulate the firing and effects of an M320 Grenade Launcher for integration with training and after-action review enhancement.

Video Over Halow Mesh

Video from the camera is delivered to the laptop through the Halow mesh network

Voice Over Mesh

When no infrastructure is available, use Halow mesh to support a walkie-talkie scenario​

Weapons Effects Simulators

Grenade & Claymore Integrated to Lightweight IWS via TED M; Real Time Casualty Assessment (RTCA) Displayed on ATAK EXCON


TED Integration - Instrumentable -multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Vehicle Tactical Engagement Simulation System (I-miles VTESS)

Expeditious Training Solution for Home Stations

Next Generation soldier training with a lightweight quickly deployable exercise controller for infrastructure less training​. Integrate the next systems generation lightweight soldier kits into the TED Architecture along with our other

Athena-Tek Technologies: Edge Devices

Athena-Tek is Network Focused: Athena-Tek designs and builds Edge Devices and integrates private 5G networks to solve Warfighter Training and Test & Evaluation Use Cases, including the Army’s Training Edge
