Software Development
Athena-Tek’s software development team strives to exceed customer requirements. We understand the importance of meeting our customers’ needs with performance and form factor solutions. We maintain an extensive knowledge base of available components along with their performance specifications in order to provide the most detailed options to our customers for their use cases. We are constantly looking for more efficient methods to risk mitigate our projects to ensure reliable delivery.
Athena-Tek’s expertise in military application product development and existing configurable testbeds has allowed us to produce prototype samples to move forward to a final product within a short timeframe. As an example, for our Ares II production, Athena-Tek’s team successfully designed, mitigated, produced, and delivered in six weeks from the time of purchase order to delivery.
Although Athena-Tek’s background focuses on military applications, our well-experienced team is capable of producing solutions for customers in the commercial sector.